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Imagine if people you meet could get your entire business card into their address books in 15 seconds...

The scenario is familiar: you have a pile of business cards from people you have met.  Sure, it would be great if you had all these contacts in your PC's address book, but time is precious.  To enter every card would take a whole lazy Sunday, and the pile gets bigger every day.  The worst part about it is that every time you hand out a card you know it ends up in someone else's pile — until now.

Card to PC compresses all your contact details into an ultra short web address.  If your business card is equipped with this web address, a person who gets your card can load up the web address in an internet browser and put all of your details in their address book with only one mouse click.  We call it C2PC (pronounced "see two pea see") for short. Click here to see how it works...

c2pc.com: accelerate your business card

Did you know...

Windows, Outlook, Communicator and Notes...
all support fast adding of contact details from C2PC-ID equipped business cards. So do leading open source email and office applications such as Evolution and Gnome Office.

10x faster card entry
A client who receives your C2PC equipped business card will add your contact details to their address book in a 10th of the time it would take them to enter it manually.

The entry will be error free and if they register their email address when they look up your contact details we will notify them if your contact details change.



Protected by Australian Patent and International Patents pending